There's an expression we use often when we make mistakes:
"I'm only human".
We are giving the excuse that everyone makes mistakes by saying that.
Therefore, all the failures we committee are okay,
just because...everyone does them.?!
No, definitely NO!
Not a good excuse or even a decent one.
Mistakes are never OK,
but they can be fixed or at least amended. learned from.
Not judging who committees them,
its impossible for a human being to not.
But we have to learn from them
so we can prevent them.
It is "OK" to to commit them as long we take responsibility,
for them and our flaws.
Saying "Sorry" but not meaning it or not intending to improve our actions,
will only cause a lack of trust
and incapability to develop any kind of relationship.
Saying "I am Sorry" and admitting that we did something wrong
is the first step to self-improvement.
Being unable to apologize is a recipe for a fragile and failed relation.
Saying "I am Sorry" gives a relationship the strength for both partners
(in a friendship, love related or even family) to overcome the mistakes.
Never be ashamed of apologizing!
In fact...
Be ashamed if you cant!
That yes is a better excuse than the 1st one I indicated.
© Christelle Ferreira 2011
GUY: the day before yesterday i was fine, yesterday i was
really fine but today i feel great
GIRL: ...
you talk about the most unimportant things as if nothing
had happened. but still, ''forgive me'' is all that you can't say
Image © MalvaAlcea